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visdom services
Data Points
Data Points are specific data elements that Visdom can return. Data Points are similar to Named Entities, but differ in several important ways.
Data Points are formatted for a specific purpose. For example, the Named Entity Effective date may be extracted as January 1st 2023 or 1st day of January 2023, but the data point will always be returned in the ISO-8061 date format YYYY-MM-DD. Data Points include the data type as part of the return value.
Data Points can include derived items. For example, if Visdom can detect both the effective date and the term (commonly specified as a time span) it can calculate the contract end date and return it as a data point.
Data Points can contain data that is not necesarilly in the original contract. An example of this is additional information on the state and country associated with the Governing Law Clause.
For technical documentation and use examples please see the REST API documentation.
Below is a list of the current Data Points Visdom can return. Additional data points will be added regularly.
Name | Tag Name | Data Type | Example | Description |
Arbitration Provider | arbitration-keyterms | string | American Arbitration Association | A list of the located arbitration service providers names and abbreviations. |
Contract Title | contract-title | string | NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT | The title of the contract. This usually comes from the NER data in the preamble, but could also come from the page header |
DocuSign Envelope ID | docusign-evelope-id | string | DD7C2BB8-9E79-4BC0-8701-81B3A4541260 | The DocuSign Envelope GUID |
Effective Date | effective-date | iso-8601-date | 2023-01-01 | The date parsed from the preamble |
End Date | end-date | iso-8601-date | 2023-01-01 | If both the effective date and term span can be extracted this value contains the effective date plus the term span |
Force Majeure Events | force-majeure-keyterms | string | fire,floods,hurricanes,quarantine restrictions | A list of events that would be considered a Force Majeure event |
Governing Law Country Abbreviation | governing-law-country-abbeviation | string | USA | The three letter code of the country associated with the governing law clause. Currently limited to North America. |
Governing Law Country Name | governing-law-country-name | string | United States | The name of the country associated with the governing law clause. Currently limited to North America. |
Governing Law Region Abbreviation | governing-law-region-abbreviation | string | DC | The abbreviation of the state or province associated with the governing law clause. Currently limited to North America. |
Governing Law Region Name | governing-law-region-name | string | District of Columbia | The state or province associated with the governing law clause. Currently limited to North America. |
Insurance Types | insurance-keyterms | string | bodily injury,commercial liability | A list of the located insurance types |
Jurisdiction Country Abbreviation | jurisdiction-country-abbeviation | string | USA | The three letter code of the country associated with the jurisdiction. |
Jurisdiction Country Name | jurisdiction-country-name | string | United States | The name of the country associated with the jurisdiction. |
Jurisdiction Name | jurisdiction-region-name | string | Delaware | The state or province associated with the jurisdiction. Currently limited to North America. |
Jurisdiction Region Abbreviation | jurisdiction-region-abbreviation | string | DE | The abbreviation of the state or province associated with the jurisdiction. Currently limited to North America. |
Non-Renewal Notice | non-renewal-notice | iso-8601-duration | P90D | The amount of notice that must be given to prevent an automatic renewal |
Renewal End Date | renewal-end-date | iso-8601-date | 2023-01-01 | If both the end date and renwal term can be extracted this value contains the end date plus the renewal term |
Renewal Term | renewal-term | iso-8601-duration | P1Y | The duration of a renewal term |
Survival Period | survival-period | iso-8601-duration | P1Y | The length of time that certain elements will survive after the contract end date. |
Term Span | term-span | iso-8601-duration | P1Y | The length of the contract |
Termination Notice | termination-notice | iso-8601-duration | P90D | The amount of notice that must be given to terminate a contract for convenience |